Friends with benefits: can it really work?


New member
Mar 19, 2008
I have a great guy a friend - we can talk about anything and everything, we have the same sense of humor etc.A few weeks ago we became "friends with benefits". We are still close, but I was wondering if this can really last. In your experience does friends with benefits work? Any advice?
no it turns out really bad cuz if u get a bf then he'll prolly get jelous cuz ur bf wont let u do anything else with its really not a good idea at all
Friends with benefits rarely works becuase usually one person will fall in love. The other person does not. I would stop if I were you because you are just using each other right now. How will you feel if he comes to you some night telling you about this great girl he met...he's in love and getting married? This is why it is not a good idea. It's always difficult to separate the emotional from the sexual.
It works great, as long as BOTH have the same mindset...and there are no commitments or future plans. That, however becomes IMPOSSIBLE after a while. I can already tell by your question that you are thinking "relationship". That's when it starts to go bad...and sadly, your friendship will end along with the sex. It's the risk you take and it's really not a benefit after all, huh?
well i just got out of a situation like that with my friend. we did it for 5 months but that was too long. its really good to be friends with befits for a while just to see if the two of you really work out together then you start dating him for serious, but if it goes on for too long like it did with me then someones going to get hurt. and i mean, its going to REALLY HURT.
Some times; and with that said ,usually one will begin to desire more than the other(a sort of evolving relationship). What happens when either or wishes to extend benefits to other friends?I have had a couple of these relationships and for the most part they have been very good, as well as long term(years). But I must admit that we were of the type who parted and came back together friendship wise when we were in between other partners. It can go for as long as you care for it to go. Good luck. I like the concept of it.
It is tempting and it is flatering to have some one u are attracted to, want u in the same sexual sense that u want them. However, It does not work. I just found this out this week. We were just friends, but he flirted with me alot, then he finally came out and said that he liked me. His life partner is away on business for a couple of months. So, we began to have sexual relations and for me it was wonderful, but for him, it wasnt as great. I began to think about him alot, like at work, and at home. So when he finally admitted that he did not want to continue this and that, "although he found me attractive," he just did not want to have sex or really hang out with me becuase things were kinda of weird. I was very hurt by all this, but later found out that he was in love with another guy besides his life partner. Right now im hurt, but later on his love triangle will collaspe upon itself. So, no, some people can have sex without felling anything, while others take it in a deeper and more emotional level without any inttention of taking it outside of "Just meaningless Sex". I dont regret it, becuase I was humbled by it. But for anyone who has a monogamous heart and spirit, who thinks they can handle it, "u simply can't." Bottom line, get to know the person first, and realize,"just because the two of u have mutual physical attraction toward one another, that doesnt mean u have mutual spiritual and emotional attraction toward one another"