From an Aussie: Can you please explain the Obama = *insert former us prez


New member
Jan 21, 2009
here* please? :) eg Obama-Lincoln ? From an Aussie who has had to put up with smiley Aussie presenters saying things like: "... oh... Obama and Lincoln... yup.. uh huh" all day
like they have any idea at all what the US correspondants are talking about.

So, can you please explain to me ( a non-US citizen) what the president/s that Obama is being compared to did for your country and why Obama is being compared to them?

Thanks! :)
So what I'm getting is that Lincoln was the prez who freed the slaves (was that the civil war deal or was that something else)

and so far everyone who has answered also doesn't know why Obama is being compared to Lincoln.

(Or you all do know and its a national secret :) )
Sorry, can't help you there. Utterly baffled myself.

I particularly suspect Lincoln might have found the pop concert at his memorial to have been in bad taste.
Lincoln was President in the 1860s. He was President during our Civil War. The Civil War was started, in part, because of the dispute about whether or not slavery should be legal (it's kind of a states' rights versus federal rights argument). During the war, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which made all slaves free. Lincoln was later assassinated.

So Obama being President seems like the final step in the issue that Lincoln started. Blacks were slaves, and Lincoln freed them, and now we have one as President.

Hope that helps. Let me know if you're still confused.
I don't know why the comparison to Lincoln First Off, FDR took Lincoln from the Republican Party for his own just cause. Second, Lincoln was /is too great and experienced to be compared to Obama.