Gender Studies, what will be the next big trend for women, as far as body art is


Jun 8, 2008
concerned? When I was a kid of 13, about 1970, I begged my mother to let me have my ears pierced, and she said NO, NO, NO--because "when I grew up (the '40's), no one had pierced ears except for "gypsies." She finally gave in after I pointed out that many of the girls I went to school with had them, and she approved of their parents. She's now in her mid 70's and still won't have her ears pierced because "I will get aids." I admit that I hate tattoos, I just do. I think it's not a good thing to make marks on your body that you might later regret. I don't dislike people with tattoos, I just don't personally think they're attractive. I think the people that get them think they're an expression of their individuality.

Is there something beyond tattoos, if so, what?
Neo: I would have to agree with you. Nipple exposure, whether it's just by not wearing a bra, your method or nipple inserts (which do already exist. Saw it on Oprah) Maybe not the holes in the shirt/dress though, atleast not yet.
I think the next trend will be to do nothing... I don't think pierced ears will ever disappear, but it's really quite rare for someone to NOT have tattoos nowadays. I hear all the time "You don't have any tattoos...? Wow!"