Got Something on your chest? Let it out!

My town is the EXAAAAAAAAAACT same. Everyone here is a preppy-ass jock-stuff fuggass.

My gramps died a few weeks ago im still thinking about that.

I haven't gone to school in 2 months because it's hard for me to get back in the swing of things so I'm looking at a g.e.d. ooh yayzor.

All i do everyday is play games on my computer (wow- retardedass shit)

I just need to get out moar.
My girlfriend is on BC. I don't use a condom, I pull out instead. But she has a few scary symptoms: She's cramping, her boobs hurt, she has lower back pain, she frequently has to pee, she has mild food cravings (she usually has them anyway), and she's been very tired. Her period is 2 weeks late. That would mean she is about 6 weeks into the pregnancy at this point. With her symptoms I am convinced I have a kid on the way. She keeps putting off the pregnancy test, and it really is pissing me off. I wanted her to do it yesterday but she wouldn't. She told me she would do it this morning, but she hasn't yet.

We talked about our options. I told her I wanted to abort it, but she will not abort it. We talked about this whole thing for a good two hours and I've been thinking about it constantly the last 3 days. We decided that if she is pregnant, we are going to give it up for adoption.

I'm supposed to be going to college 4,000 miles away in Hawaii this fall, and she is still in high school (she is graduating after first semester next school year). I told her I had her back with any decision she makes, so I plan on somehow pulling out of hawaii and instead enrolling in the local community college. She doesn't want to hold me back from going to Hawaii and is opposed to the idea of me staying here. She feels that if I stay here she will feel like shit for keeping me from pursuing my education (but this is equally my fault) and that I will begin to "hate" her for it.

But I feel compelled that it is my responsibility to her and the child to stay here with her through her pregnancy. I'm not going to be a deadbeat dad. I love her and I am going to take care of her, whether she likes it or not.

This is so fucked up... I never thought this would happen to me. I am so fucking dumb. I've had the scenario of a teen pregnancy pounded into my head by priests and teachers and parents for years. I keep asking myself how could two honors/AP class students ignore the warnings, but still have sex and end up getting pregnant, and I can't come up with a good answer.

If you have any tips on getting through this such as how to deal with teen pregnancy issues (especially parents), please PM me.

BTW, I'm 18, she is 17 (legal consent in IL is 17) and if she is pregnant (I will know for sure tomorrow morning) this will be a "pre-cum baby" that occurred when she forgot to take the pill.
Shitty Buzz, Barnaby. :tdown:

I think I'm an alcoholic. I have cravings to drink all the time, even when I'm alone at home.

ever since my grandfather died 2 years ago i've lost all feelings for anything in the world. i have a loving family and friends who care about me, but i find myself not caring about anyone or anything including myself.


i act completely normal and seem to be just marvelous all the time.


i'm a patholigical liar who has trouble telling the truth, no matter how small or large the issue.

oh and

i'm a virgin. some of my friends [friends that might read this that have a pbn name], dont think i'm a virgin. i've never really lied and said i'm a virgin, but its kind of implied. like i slept with this girl at a party but i passed out naked on top of her. i care about being a virgin, but its not like the only thing on my mind. it seems like if i am a virgin i'm less of a man? sure whatever idgaf. i dont really care that i am, but people thinking that i'm not annoys me kinda and makes me feel like i have to not be one.


my parents lie when they say they dont compare me to my sister. my sister is a all successful and stuff in college. i dont apply myself at all in school and my grades suffer. i'm an A/B student which is unacceptable. i'll admit i should get straight A's, but my parents ranting all the damn time about how good my sister is makes me want to kill them in their sleep.



ima laugh real hard when my friends with PBN names read this
I ride my tractor with a knife because I fear that mexican workers at my neighbors house are making a plan to jump me, and then steal my expensive tractor. They always stare at me when I cut the lawn..
This is a lot like me man, some how it has evolved to people thinking I've gotten laid on multiple accounts when I didn't go that far and I never said I did and it's real annoying when this is all that matters to anyone.

I hate the fact that every girl I seem to be nice to or joke around with immediately develops a gay little crush on me. It sucks, because I am only nice to them because they aren't hot. Hot girls have a different kind of respect from me. That attitude works for me, but its real annoying when you have dumb girls running around blushing at you.
I suck at most sports and it makes me mad. Everyone thinks they are better than me in everything. I know they are better but they rub it in my face all the time.

I suddenly stopped likeing my best friend. He makes lame jokes all the time and he never stops. I still want to be friends with him but hes so f****** annoying sometimes.
My lacrosse penny (practice jersey) was taken by one of my teammates at the last game, because when the team warms up defense has to wear them (im defense) then the game starts and we have to throw them off really quick, dotn ahve time to put it in my bag and zip it up cuz i start (JV) and all the kids on the team try to get extra pairs of shorts or penny's, everyone gets one, i dont see why kids are such scum bags to take an extra one for themselves from a teammate. Its not that big of a deal i really dgaf but the princible of the thing is what pisses me off