Government funding promised then rejected, please help!?


Jun 10, 2008
When i was younger about 14 i went to the doctors due to having one breast ALOT bigger than the other, they said wait till i start my period it might sort its self out. However at the age of 16 i went back after starting my period and there was no change. The doctors reffered me to the hospital who said i will have to wait till im 18 years old, but i will be able to have an opperation then. However when i had gone back when i was 18 my sergeon said he would be happy to do my opperations due to it being the worst case he has ever seen! I was then rejected for the funding by the government. My doctor is fighting for me so sent me to a pyscologist to prove its mentally effecting me and now i have to wait for them to get back to me.
What would be the next step if i get rejected again?

P.S i will never have the money to pay for it due to it being 9grand.

Please help!