Guys, will a guy not meet when hes busy?


May 11, 2008
We were introduced by his relative (family friend). 1st hangout was his idea, 2nd was mine, and 3rd was his.

After 3rd hangout, he was like "have a good night, hope to see you soon". But I had just said "have a good night" and "take care" cuz I felt he gave mixed signals.

Last week, after 2 weeks of no talking, texted how hes doing. He said hes preparing for study abroad exam that he kept talking about (he wants to get another degree. test on nov. 22). Neither of us initiated another hangout.

Few minutes ago, texted him:

Me - Hi~ hows it going?
Him - Hey, im ok. busy preparing for the damn GRE test. How about yourself?
Me - lol awww dont stress yourself~ the work pile is coming for me too :( But will be over soon...
Him - Well I have to spend enough time on it. Pity us. I registered for test on Nov 22.
Me - Are you free this week though?
Him - Im afraid not. sorry....
Me - Ok no prob~

1. Did I sounded pushy?
2. Is he busy? or maybe mean (cuz of what I said after 3rd hangout)?
3. How was my last text? Will he think Im unhappy now?
4. Before 1st hangout, his relative had already said guy wants to study abroad. But why did he kept in touch?
Sorry to break it to you, but he's not interested in dating you and is just trying to be polite about it. I'm sure he's actually busy, but if he's not suggesting that you guys hang out after his exam or something and hasn't talked to you in two weeks, it really doesn't sound like he's interested in dating you. Don't take it personal though - not everyone is compatible. Better to now know than later.

I don't think you sounded too pushy, but if you ask him again you would be. I don't think he's being mean, I think he's being polite. It'd be mean if he told you he'd call you and then didn't. Your last text was fine. He probably went out with you despite wanting to study abroad because going on dates with nice girls can be fun for the experience even if you don't plan on forming a relationship - could yield a friendship anyway. And maybe he felt like it'd be rude to his family to not accept the date.