Gymnast coach went too far! Need a good quitting excuse?


Active member
May 11, 2008
PS: i've asked this question before but im not getting good answers

Okay im 15 years old and need some advise. so im currently taking gymnastics classes, and i am actually pretty good so my coach offered to give me some private lessons. so i thought about it and ask my mom if it was a good idea and she said yes, it would be a great opportunity. i figured that it wouldn't be that bad because there would be more classes around but he would just give me more one on one time, but friday afternoon i think he took it too far, because he told me he had to speak to me in his office. then he started asking me really personal questions like when was my last period and was i still a version.

After that i stood up and told him that i should go, and he walked up to the door and blocked my way, so i asked him to let me leave, and then he started to rub my cheek and told me not to be scared because the first time is always hard, so that freaked me out and my instincts were telling me to get the h**l out of there, but it was like my legs were just locked in place, and someone had stolen my voice. then he said i'll let you leave now if you can keep our meeting a secret, and then he moved out of my way and i walked out, but i didnt say anything when i walked out of the building because he scared the hell out of me. after that i called my mom to come pick me up, but i didnt tell her what happend, i just told her that the lessons had ended early and that she needed to pick me up. i haven't told anyone about the incident yet until now and I'm planning on telling my mom that i don't want to go to gymnastics anymore. She would ask me why so i just want a good reason other than the real one, and i can't think of any can someone please help me.