Handheld Video Baby Monitor - brand recommendations? Summers Infant?


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I am shopping around for video baby monitors, and have been recommended to the Summers Infant brand ones. My question is, what is the difference between the white 1.8" screen one and the blue 2.5" screen, besides obviously the screen size? I even went to Summers Infant's website and didn't see much of a difference. Except for price, of course. Just wondered if anyone else had shopped this product? Thanks!!
I have the 1.8 size and I love it! You breathe easier being able to see your baby, and it even has night vision. The charge lasts A LOT longer than I expected it would. It's got a pretty long range also-I can sit on my back porch while my son is sleeping at the other end of the house and be able to keep an eye on him. The only difference between the two is the screen size, but i've been very happy with the smaller screen.
I have the 1.8 size and I love it! You breathe easier being able to see your baby, and it even has night vision. The charge lasts A LOT longer than I expected it would. It's got a pretty long range also-I can sit on my back porch while my son is sleeping at the other end of the house and be able to keep an eye on him. The only difference between the two is the screen size, but i've been very happy with the smaller screen.