Has the internet damaged the quality of our News media by changing it from


May 17, 2008
subscription to advertiser funded?
Is our unofficial fourth branch of government in trouble?
No because newspapers have always been primarily advertiser funded..
No the media is funded just as si advertisers. We get hit with approximately 13,000 ads in a common day. People have learned to subliminally block them out and not notice, being it is just the way life is. No one will realize how bad it is unless it was all taken away, which it never will.

I think the internet allows people choices and multiple "spins" on the media they absorb, allowing for a more educated person if one is willing to realize every media outlet has an ageda, even if it is to rasie ratings and monetary funds.
The unofficial fourth branch of government will pander and say anything to attract readers and ad revenue. They have become information prostitutes...
It has improved the over all quality of news by destroying monopolies and allowing a free proliferation of information without big media as a gatekeeper deciding what the plebs should and should not be allowed to know.
Subscription has always been used to barley cover some of the expense in distributing and never has been enough for the cost of publication.

Subscription is a class of newspapers that will allow them to have a certain amount of advertisement per column inch of news.
Many new publications whether in print, video, or posted on the internet are liberal biased so this is why I really don't relay on the news much anymore for what is really going on in the World because it's so slanted one way
It's always been advertiser-driven. Subscriptions just offset the printing and delivery costs associated with a paper.

A major problem for newspapers today is their continued, unabashed hostility toward 1/2 of the American people, and for those people to find the information they need, without the in-your-face-bias elsewhere.

The most left-wing biased of our news sources are having the hardest time, right now. Go wonder.
The internet is fantastic (with the exception of porno) because you can discover the real truth about the world. The news on TV & the newspapers is owned by The New World Order.
We would first have to agree that there is quality in the news media.

News media has always been funded by advertising.

Not too much room for discussion here. What are you really trying to ask? Can you clarify?
I don't think it's possible to damage the media anymore then what they've damaged themselves. Maybe if they bothered reporting facts for once instead of slant and spin people would bother to listen to them again.