Has yahoo politics become a ......?


New member
Sep 1, 2008
small collection of bitter cons who just post stuff for the purposes of patting each other on the back so they can continue to think their nonsense actually makes sense, matters, or is in any way realistic?
just wondering..since that's how it appears....
actually, i'm a republican. have been for over 20 years. haven't seen an intelligent question asked in this forum at all...the questions and content is pretty entertaining though, but really contains no substance. About what Obama's wife is wearing to bed etc. so if that's what the questions have resorted to in this section..yeah, i'm outta here. peace out! enjoy the next 4-8 I suppose.
Bobby, it seems you've struck a nerve. :) Yes it has.

I’m on account #5 only because the thin-skinned Republicans hate “truth”.
yes it is. you arent allowed a non conservative opinion on here anymore otherwise youll have people following you and reporting every single question even though they wont report the questions that people incite people to murder obama or say themselves they will strive to do it.
That sounds a lot like all you left wing loons. That's all I have seen is patting each other on the back that Obama is in office. But the back patters seem to be slowing down starting with this spending bill! Look at the support of the democratically controlled congress. Under 10%? wow.. you all need to pat yourselves on the back for that. and how about the spending bill passing with the support in the upper 30's? That's a pretty huge drop from the upper 60's before America caught wind of it right? LOL Enjoy your control of Congress until next year. 9% approval rating doesn't equal the democrats keeping control.
Hey if you live in a setting where you could only talk a certain way you'd want out too. This town I'm in has a bunch of wild eyed college kids that can't keep their mouths shut after going to Starbucks
It seems that way. If you look at the questions on here that have anything to do with politics, they're 90% Republican opinions and 10% Democratic opinions. Same for the answers. That certainly doesn't reflect the opinions of the general public.

Some of these repetitive questions I just ignore. Like the people who call the stimulus bill pork without even stating what, specifically, they think is pork in it (I would think the Onus is on the people who think there's pork in it). Or the people who ask when impeachment is going to happen (for appointing some people who didn't file taxes correctly I guess....?)

I don't mind an honest exchange of ideas (even though it's unlikely that anyone's mind will be changed), but some of this stuff is just so partisan and meaningless talking points that I just ignore it. Not even worth the 2 points. I think a lot of other people feel the same way that's another reason there's so many conservative opinions on here.