Have you ever been in a relationship where the 2 of you argue over stupid


New member
Dec 21, 2009
things or tiny things almost every? single day?? If so, does it not seem sooooooooooo silly to even argue at all!? Especially when when the 2 of you truly care for each other. .......... My fault 51% of the time =) .. u see by allowing her to accept less blame then I .... I am assured a nice kiss at bed time!! yeee haaa 4 scheming Bear <=== LOLOLOLOL ... Joking aside, I absolutely crazy about the woman!! 4 ever more =)
that would be called a bad relationship, my friend.
and yes, everyone will experience that atleast once in their life.
My hub loves me dearly and I him but we both have leadership minds and qualities and can go around in circles over stupid shit ourselves... but its all good.. and he love me.. i love him.