Have you ever met someone on Monday, took them for a drink on Tuesday, and made


New member
Aug 11, 2009
love with them until Sunday? I am conducting a poll as evidence to see if Craig David's claims are as fraudulent as they sound...
Ben that is true, but I am considering suing Craig David for gross lying and skullduggery
Nicky - PMSL, you are in fine form today, what's in that coffee????

Venus - that would make a great song I think LOLOLOL!
No.... met my guy on a thursday it took about a year before he kissed me then another 2 years before we made love lol
I'd like photographic proof of Craig David's said claim.
Come to think of it I'm gonna report him to the RSPB! WHo looked after 'our Kes' whilst all this dilly-dallying was in progress?? Hmmm...I'll tell you who! NO-ONE that's who!!

Ha ha ha...I think the coffee's to blame *wonders if someones done a Jack Black and stashed narcotics in the coffee machine!*
Lol that's just lyrics! But hello, there're billions of people are living together, so anything can happen yeah?

Well about me, no I have never done something like that before.