help for a dummy that doesn't know to much about wireless Internet==help me!!!!==?


May 14, 2008
i do have a lop top(windows vista by the way)i have been using it only in my house and having all the annoying wires attached to it,i am getting frustrated about not be able to take it anywhere.I don't know too much about this kind of things,what do i need to buy in order to take a lop top around my house and be able to take it to a long trip,i am planning to take a long trip to Latin America this year and i am totally clueless in what i need to buy to be able to do this.Went to walmart and k mart but so far i get very confuse when i read what is inside the package of the routers and all that and the employees appear not to know much about it? please help me using a basic language so i can comprehend the answer!! THANK YU VERY MUCH IN ADVANCE!!!
PS>> do i need to pay an extra fee to my internet provider(in this case Comcast) or the company that sells the routers in case that i go wireless?