Help how would you handle some odd PDA looks?


May 30, 2008
I am 19 and my girlfriend has just turned 18 however, she looks a lot younger then her chronological age. Many people peg her at 16 or younger. When we kiss or hold hands at stores or at a park I get some of the most evil looks you can imagine.

Would you let them stop you from showing affection?

Any one else had this problem?

Any help would be appreciated
Screw them. You're in love, you're not a pervert, and you shouldn't stop showing affection just because of what everyone around you thinks. Just don't get too touchy in public.
well does she wear makeup? that can make her look older or younger so may try altering that..also just ignore it, if possible because you both know she's 18 and not underage...also how do you look? If you could pass as 30 yea I would stare too....
dont change^^ let her show affection and you must show affection in return~ dont worry about what others think...
you get one life, never spend it the way other people want you to.

I personally feel bad for people who think kissing and touching is pda-you know she isn't underage, that is all that matters.