Help with my sci fi story?


Jun 4, 2008
it is the year 2125. Humans has conquered the solar system. Colonies of humans living on Neptune and Pluto, Saturn and Mars, to name a few. Humans have made several advances in the technological field, such has wormholes. A man named Jason Blade is head of Blade Industrial, creator of these advances. One fateful day, robot armadas begin invading the solar system, using the. aptly named "hyperdrive portal" (Blades own creation) and targeted the earth, to hopefully destroy the source of humanity. Humans retreated from their home solar system, to a planet called
Terralos, to attempt to regain what was lost. Blade saw this as a opportunity and created the N.E.X.U.S program, to train and augument ordinary people, turn them into soldiers, don them with specialized suits and attempt to regain what was taken from them. Only a few survive this program, 4, to be exact, and they go on missions to tactically destroy the robots.

Can i get some cool names and military nicknames for these guys too?
1st one is a Gunner
2nd is a swordsman(like a energy swordsman, think like a energy katana)
3rd is heavy gunner
4th is a vehicle specialist
And maybe some ideas for missions, thank you.
Wow this is very interesting :D
If you ever finish it I would love to read it!

Are any of them girls?
I was thinking that if there was a girl you could make her the heavy gunner and her name could be Alakshmi (Goddess of Misfortune)
Her military nickname could be Lakshmi as both a joke and because of her extreme beauty.
Lakshmi- (younger sister of Alakshmi- Goddess of prosperity, wealth, wisdom, grace,beauty, etc.)
Swordsman- His name could be Locke! (sounds cool >.<)
His military nickname could be Fang because he is a very vicious and ready to use his Katana in any situation, but he has a calm and composed side?
Gunner- His real name could be Orion! (sounds cool? o.o)
His military nickname could be Rave because he is very reluctant to use his gun but once he does use it something in his brain snaps and nothing can stop him.
Vehicle Specialist- His name is...Lucien! (sounds cool don't it? xD)
His military nickname could be Ryder because like with Alakshmi its a joke. He has natural talent with vehicles and other mechanical weapons, and can fix almost anything.
What kind of land does Terralos have? I mean is it like Earth?
Like they could have an underwater mission! (sorry I ran out of ideas -.- )
The robots could have different species among them like water types, etc..