How badly did I screw up? (Rant)?


Active member
May 11, 2008
Missed doing a test that was due and hour or two ago. Freaked out a bit but calming down. I hardly ever hear from my boyfriend nowadays. He's always busy and I know he does very important work (he's an EMT/Volunteer Firefighter) but I just feel disconnected from him. I try to text him a few times in a day (like to say good morning and see how he's doing) But hardly ever get a response. Well, it's always been kinda silent between us between visits but I just feel it a bit more now with college stuff weighing in on me. I've tried talking to him about it but he sees nothing wrong with it. I want this to work but I don't know what to do. I tried to get him to call me once or twice a week at the least but he's only ever called me 3 times in our entire relationship. We've been dating for a few months and was wondering if I'm being unrealistic or just stupid. And still trying to get over the damn test we were suppose to do online.. Feel terrible since I have an average grade in that class and I really really want to pass. My brother is falling apart too and he refuses to talk to me about anything and is getting more snappy about small things. Did I mention my mother never wants to come home and when she does, she's always falling-down-drunk? Oh and can't sleep.


Just a quick rant.
@skim Oh you have no idea. I've been running into the same solution but I don't want to accept that.. I kinda really like him and he literally brightens my day. Haha, I can be quite pessimistic at times and he literally is my opposite in that matter. But you may be right. I will talk to him more about it when next I see/talk to him again. And have already sent her an email begging for a re-make or to take it for a late grade. XD And threw a "my car broke down WHILE my internet was down" Excuse so I couldn't make it to the library or something.

@Holly No, just occasional texts and the rare phone call. Tried to come up with a way to get him to chat more without coming off as desperate for attention... and desperation turns everyone off from another. ; w; Will try.
@Jess Couldn't supress a cringe reading this. Haha, hurts to hear but I know it's coming from an outside looking in perspective (which can be clearer than mine at times)
Thank you. And already did the breathing excercises when I realized I'd missed the test and was having a mini panic attack. Haha.
I understand being overwhelmed. You need to (try) and talk to him. Though he's busy, i don't see why he couldn't give you a phone call. hell, even a 3 minute hope your days going well, miss ya would be okay. But if he wants it to work, he's going to have to try a bit harder, but you've got to weigh out your priorities. Unless you /really/ like this guy, i'd say take a break, completely agreeing with the above statement of wrong timing. It's possible that you guys could work even through all of it, but unless you really feel its worth it, i don't think you should give yourself that much (extra) stress.

Hope things get a bit easier on you, take it one day at a time, and most of all breathe!
Does he text you or contact you in any other way? my ex never used to call me and I was very worried just like you, but it just takes time. Try to be creative in your communication skills, and if he REALLY isn't contacting you enough, talk to him about it in a non-blaming manner. He'll be sure to come round! :)
Haha, you have quite the hectic life right now huh? As far as the boyfriend goes, there is such a thing as just bad timing... You both seem to be busy with your priorities, which isn't a bad thing. Although it might suck, maybe the best thing is for you two to call it quits for a while and focus on work / school. I've been busy before, but I can always manage to throw my girlfriend a text or phone call at the very least. As for the test, try to think of an amazing excuse so that your professor might let you make it up for less credit. Good luck with everything!