How can conservatives claim to be Christian, yet alter the Bible itself?


Feb 20, 2008
Conservatives are writing a new version of the Bible that will edit out anything they don't like or consider too "liberal" (such as when Jesus forgave the women found in adultery), and incorporate their free-market capitalist ideas and disdain for government. The project is called the Conservative Bible Project (at and they are close to being finished. They complain there about liberal translations of the Bible, and yet they are going to pervert the text themselves to slant it towards their own ideas? Aren't they putting themselves at risk of God's curse in Revelation (about adding to or taking away from His words)?
It is very common for many Christians to contaminate their faith with their politics.Haven't you ever wondered why so many claim to worship Jesus who taught us to love our enemies while at the same time they enthusiastically support war? :damn fly:
It is always good to go to the source !!!
If what you are saying is true then yes they are at risk. I went to the site you post and found nothing to suggest they are changing the translation. The bible has verses that describe a welfare system that doesn't involve government or taking from 1 group to give to another. Read 1 Timothy 5

2 Thessalonians 3:10 For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.