how can i become an admin on graal online classic for iphone?

I'm helpful

I want to be an admin because I've been helping people and I have good ideas like we should have a huge party at belle isle and give new players 200 to start but the graal babies annoy me I'm frybones and I am good at graal
For the admins

For all the admins reading this right now I would like to say something to them I am professor Orion and my dream is to become an admin and what inspired me is the people that I have encountered,there rude behavior has sent me here and for that I am angry,I wish to become an admin not because the island nor the pride and fame I wish to become an admin because I wish to protect graal

professor Orion alpha century(graal online classic name)
Can you plz make menadmin I hbennew great ideas or the players revoultion and nexus I have been trying to get this for about one and a half years and I would really appreciet it plz make me one trust me I am admin material many players on graal classic + the app have told me I should be a admin and they have sent it to feedback plz it is my lifelong dream no joke :)
Oh I am the one who wrote the thing above this my name is chain saw 1999 and I have frogs all over my status:D
Guys, the Graal classic staff does not look at random forums for their administration staff team. If you would like to be a admin on Graal, I suggest you contact them directly.
May i be an admin? My brother banned me because he was using my ipod. I will try hard to be an admin and i wont abuse my powers! I will respect everyone from now on! My graal name is BamBamÆRØ im leader of haruharu geojitmal and have admins friends that want to ask me to be an admin no lies! Sorry for my brother he banned me!
hi can a admin please promot me to be a admin PLEASE make me one add me on graal classic ADMINS only admins so they can pm me when admins are hiring thanks and my name is jason20 thanks admins :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Hey if any admins are on here i would like to be an admin i might not be as smart as other people applying for the role of an admin but i have great ideas to make graal fun for the people. i am willing to work hard for it and if i dont become an admin i will try again. If i do become i will help any way i can though i am at a young age. hope someone will see this and think about it if you want to find me my name is on graal AZN the leader of L3THAl RlD3R have fun u guys its a great game
ROFL, you guys aren't going to become admins, thank god... You guys would just make Graal worse with horrible ideas. STOP POSTING HERE, ADMINS DO NOT READ THIS.

:all mighty: my:emot2: name is apprentice Dana on graal read my status I really did do what I say on there :capitulate:
Coco add me!!!:D

Coco! you became an admin!!! congrats!!! (im a little late)
I want to become one too but admins usually reject citizens and don't help, I wish there was an admin that actually cares...
pm me coco!!!:D
Hey I really want to become an admin on graal and be willing to do anything to join my username is king of dopeness if needed I can change my username if its a problem please respond:)
Pizz can I be admin of graal classic please i will do my best and help ppl please. my name iRayRay. I have bestfriend admin and she quit the admin can i be admin pizzz.
Hi can I be an admin? I'll try to prove my self like coco please hire Me to be an admin I'm ßUßßLEß-ALODIA please I'll try my best:capitulate:
Problems :/

If you hiring it's about time i would say. Iv worked with designing levels for almost a Year now and i have to say i really talented at it but i not only want to be hired i think graal would be better if we actualy answered question im one of the many( when i say many i mean hundreds) who need real help not a stupid hug or a stupid hat its just pixels but its beside the point,people really do need help when the sign in battle arena says" If you have any problems feel free to ask any Graal online staff" how can we do that when we cant pm them??Not only if you hire me i would On my own stand in graal each and every day asking"if you have questions pm me :)" and at the same time get my job done as levels admin :) if you Are interested in my work or any info on anything on graal feel free to pm me (in game name)WhiteShadow :) Have a great day!~*~

Hi im GwenTails and i would love to become an admin please because i like to help people and plus the Noobs would feel better with some guidance around to learn, i didn't have help and it was tricky so i thought why not help other Graaalians and same with my best friend Madhatter it would be cool if one of us became a admin and when i said noob i didn't mean it in a bad way lol this would mean a lot to us: unbelieveble:
Hey My Name is Super6425 and I am the leader of the gang Ninja Cats and Id like to be an admin and Ill do anything.

Im no noob and will be active 24/7.

I will do events when told and never abuse my powers,
I will never ever make other people admins or give out free items,
I will never be rude, scam, or beg,
I will always help new people and answer questions when I can,
I will never ever ever ban people or kick without a reason and telling another admin.

Unless you consider this bad, then I think this is all good and please respond to me at this email.

Thank you so very much for your time and consideration,