how can i convert and burn a video i have filmed on my flip camcorder to play on my


Jun 2, 2008
dvd player? i am having lots of problems in being able to convert the flip video from mp4 format to a suitable format and then when it has been converted to the correct format i am then having problems burning it to a dvd so it will play in my standard dvd player.
I have found this site, but not sure if this will do it for me and as it is not free i dont want to buy it to find out if will not do what i want.

does anyone out there use a flip personally and manage to convert their dvd to a format to play on there dvd player and able to burn them onto disc in order for me to play them. If anyone can do this can they please reply to this as i am getting very frustrated because i can not find a solution.

my o/s is vista if you want to know anything else to help me please let me know thankyou