How can I convince my boyfriend that some PDA is okay?


Jun 9, 2008
So we've been together for a month but we've liked each other for about 8 months and have been friends for around 14 months. Anyway, when we're out like at the movies or something he won't hold my hand or kiss me or anything. But last night we were alone and he actually put his arm around me. This is the farthest we've gotten. He hasn't even kissed me yet. >_>

So. Two questions. How do I get him to kiss me? Because I know that I cannot make the first move because I'm lame haha.

Second, how can get him to at least hold my hand in public?

I know some men don't like it, but it's not like I'm asking him to suck face for an audience. Also, he's Roman Catholic. I don't know if that has anything at all to do with it. And he was super nervous about my parents seeing him with his arm around me. What's up with this boy! Haha.

Thanks in advance. [:
You can't force him to do that if it makes him uncomfortable. Next time you're in public, try to hold his hand. If you notice it makes him uncomfortable, just talk to him about it. As for kissing, let's get some hand holding first lol. As you get further in your relationship he'll feel more comfortable doing things like kissing. It's only been a month, trust me it'll happen:)