How can I further my interest in reading and learn to make reading more


May 31, 2008
of a priority? This may sound strange because of the contradiction, but I enjoy to read, but I have problems reading on a regular basis.What I mean by this is I enjoy reading, but it is complicated for me to stay focused while reading as the time increases of the reading session. Part of this has to do with the people I live with may regularly be listening to music or the television at a volume that makes it hard for me to concentrate, part of it has to do with when the house is free I may be to tired to concentrate on reading or may want to focus on something unimportant such as a TV show, or other situations like this. I want to increase the amount I read and the level of the materials that I regularly read, but I seem to be coming to a standstill. Any suggestions would be helpful, even if they're tips on how to ignore the distractions.
I should also add that I'm interested in learning French because of a career I want to enter, so I would want to improve my English competency (reading) before I start studying a foreign language.
Thank you :], I have tried doing that in some cases but the local libraries aren't open when I'm free to read, the coffee shops seem like a good idea.
There are noise cancelling headphones you can buy but I don't know how cheap you can find them.
