How can I make my Sci-Fi novel more futuristic?


New member
Jun 15, 2013
I started writing my debut novel a couple months ago and it is a young adult science fiction novel. It does take place in the future but I tried to steer clear of the typical things used in other Sci-Fi novels like Hunger Games and Divergent. However my novel is turning out more like an alternate reality of 2012 instead of a futuristic 2312. I have little futuristic things here and there but over all not to much has changed other than the government and the way America and the rest of the world works. Should I just make it an alternate reality or just stick with the fact that 300 years into the future not much has changed? I've never really been a big fan of Sci-Fi (even though the formerly mentioned books are wonderfully written, I could never get past chapter one) and my story is more focused on the characters than the setting with the latter being quite literally the back drop. But should I change it or keep it the same?
If you're not a fan of sci-fi, I'm not sure why you're writing it. Have you considered writing an alternative history/reality novel (using 2012, for example.)

Some basics on creating your own setting: