How can I make real friends on myspace?


May 13, 2008
I've got at least 1, 020 friends but the only friend I've spoke to within the last 2 years, we never even met. Not just finding a date, but I'm not exactly what you would call "social". The only way I've made friends on myspace was by using Friend Blaster Pro but that only got me a lot of messages but nothing but dead ends. I want to make real friends on myspace, I want to become more social, I want to actually make friends on myspace and actually go out on the weekend or even to the movies or out to eat. Basically, I'm not good at making friends and I don't really know how to interact with others (nor do I know the first thing about being social) and actually be the guy everyone wants to hang out with and every girl wants to date. How can I become more sociable and become better at making new friends?