How can I stop being shy & learn how to mingle?


New member
Mar 23, 2011
Well next week i'm going to be a freshman (going to HS) and i'm really shy and this year a lot of the people in my class are going into english and only a few probably like 5 or 6 people are going into french. So i'm going to have like a lot of new people in my classes that I don't know. How can I stop being shy and go out and try to make friends?
Well, firstly...if you want to make friends...
DON'T talk about Justin Bieber. :)


Hmm I hate to be the person that just says be yourself and throw you to the wolves but honestly if you want to make real friends theres no other way.
i know how you feel, some people just dont look friendly so its hard to egt the nerve to talk to them.
just be patient, and first smile to someone, and if they smile back go up to them and talk.

good luck <3
If you are a naturally shy person then there is nothing you can change about that, that's apart of your personality. Now if you are one of those people who get shy around people that you don't know then in that case just stop being shy. Going into High School for the first time can put the most outgoing person in an overwhelming situation, but just relax and be yourself they are probably just as SCARED OF YOU AS YOU ARE OF THEM. But no matter what be yourself and I think you'll do great.
hi ,
it is very easy

1. dress well what is your mind deserve
2. keep you as fresh all time
3. just know about the current affairs
4. just keep you as smiling

i thing that's enough for you if it is not you must consulted with a doctor