How can I tone my muscles and gain strength at the same time?


May 14, 2008
Hi. What I'm trying to do is tone my muscles (get definition, six pack, cut, ripped) for the same reason anyone else wants to, to look good. Also, I want to gain strength so I can max out higher on the bench (a lot higher) for football. I can already max out pretty high for my age (I'm 15 and max out 180 and my weight is 145) but I do not want anyone catching up to me because that will lower my chances of starting. I'm not REALLY cut (ripped) but I'm some what. I don't have definition in my arms but i do have bulk as well as in my chest. I don't have a clean cut six pack eaither. Now i heard doing high reps with low weights can tone your muscles. And I also heard that low reps with heavy weights can get your strength up high. So basically what I'm trying to ask is, What can I do to get really cut and ripped and gain a lot of strength (mostly in my max out). Thank you!