How come Christians can be such great people yet can be norrow minded and


New member
May 24, 2011
intolerrant? I mean no disrespect to anyone...I have many Christian friends...I am not targeting any group of beliefs as I have a lot to say about every faith, but I just want to know why a lot of Christians are intolerant of other peoples faiths, in the sense that they feel they are going to hell if they do not accept Jesus as their lord and savior?

I have a lot of respect for Jesus as well as Krishna, Mohamed, Buddha,etc.etc.etc. because I basically feel that they all preached the same message, and I feel that organized religion has definitely divided us when in reality we are all striving for the same end...whether if be heaven or nirvana or eternal realization....whatever you wanna call it or label it or describe I far off here because I don't know a lot of people who look at it the way I do, am I just really stupid???
whatever religion is stupid, one thing you got it wrong (but I just want to know why a lot of Christians are intolerant of other peoples faiths, in the sense that they feel they are going to hell if they do not accept Jesus as their lord and savior? )
this could be right dum ass ( I just want to know why a lot of Islam are intolerant of other peoples faiths, in the sense that they feel they are going to hell if they do not accept Allah as their lord and savior? )
i got both Islam and Muslim friends so i have better experience then you
Do not judge them. They will be judged by God and God will decide if they were being true to his word or being mean to people. God knows their heart. If they are just stating their opinions based on their beliefs, it is not right you judge them as narrow minded and intolerant.
What you "feel" about their messages isn't pertinent. What they actually teach however, is the crux of the question and differs greatly from what you feel about their teachings (If you ever actually studied what these faiths and folks teach, you'd know there's a significant difference).

Christianity is an exclusive faith. It was Jesus himself who said, "No one comes to the Father, but by me." That doesn't leave room for anything else.

That's not intolerant at all, it's teaching the truth. Not "a" truth, "the" truth.
Oh yes! We are not tolerant because we know who is the way to heaven and anyone who is going to end up in the fire, needs to know that they are going wrong way to life. Of course, we can't do anything for the atheists because they are truly stuck in their ways but even in that, we can't give up on them. We have to be faithful and very strong soldiers and we will not tolerate or help anyone to go the wrong way.