How come when Romney wins the CPAC straw poll...?


May 13, 2008
How come when Mitt Romney(the GOPs hopeful) wins the CPAC straw poll, its a good sign of things to come and proof he has what it takes to win over the party. But when Ron Paul(the GOPS annoyance) wins it, CPAC is all the sudden irrelevant and doesn't mean a thing anymore?

Fox actually went on to say that CPAC is just full of libertarians now, which I found amusing as everyone at CPAC with the exception of a few notable figures were complete Neo-conservative GOP puppets, including no less then war mongering Mr Dick Cheney himself, who received a standing ovation.

They make it so convenient for themselves. Yet can't figure out why no one wants to be a part of their party and why they can't seem to attract the youth.