How do I change my personality like be more fun, interesting, likeable and stuff?


May 24, 2008
i am such an insecure person. and I am seriously sick of it. why am i even like this?

i really want to work on changing my personality. i want to be someone who is interesting, fun, likable and a person who people want to be around with. how can I do that? is it even possible to change this?
take crystal meth and engage in social interactions lol who knows what could happen you could get laid and have the time of your life or wake up in jail lol
I am being serious when I say this. Go look in the mirror and ask yourself this question. Who am I and do I love me for who I am? Then meditate on that thought.
Be who you are, and don't try getting people approval of who you are. Don't be insecure about yourself, but be happy that you get to wake up daily to start life fresh and new.
I have learned that I must first be happy with who I am for me. Not for other people. If I am happy, in me, there is a good chance other people will be happy with me as well.