How do I get him to want to commit to me and be in a relationship. GUYS


May 12, 2008
especially help!? Me and this guy have been friends for a while and we recently came out to each other that we both thought of each other as more than friends and we eventually might want to be together. We've been making out and stuff and its been amazing. Only problem is he just got out of a 9 month relationship and he is still trying to get over her. He said he doesn't want to use me as a rebound but the physical stuff is making it hard for him not to do that. We are basically trying to decide what to do. He told me to decide. Either we continue kissing/fun and stay friends for now or we cut out the kissing/fun and stay friends for now. I dont want this to turn into a friends with benefits ordeal but at the same time when im with him its hard not to want to kiss him. I want his respect and i want him to commit to me. Whats your advice?