How do I write a celeb character thats not a mary-sue?


New member
Feb 26, 2009
When I try to explain my character that is a famous 16 year old actress, that is known for having more talent than fellow stars her age, everyone calls her a mary-sue. She's famous so wouldn't she have money, and she would be known around the world. She is also arrogant and selfish, who thinks she is superior to other actors because of what shes accomplished
You could have her as an amazing celebrity that everyone loves and seems perfect but on the inside everything is falling apart. Don't have her arrogant and selfish, have her really fakely nice, but not like that on the inside, maybe something could have happened in her past that broke her.
You could have her as an amazing celebrity that everyone loves and seems perfect but on the inside everything is falling apart. Don't have her arrogant and selfish, have her really fakely nice, but not like that on the inside, maybe something could have happened in her past that broke her.
i agree - don't make her arrogant and selfish .. it won't fit then that she has such great passion and geniune skill ..

she needs to be sweet and loved by everyone to have such deep feelings and emotions to be of such talent ...
but like someone mentioned above - has a deep dark secret from her past or family that inside she is falling apart and really emotional and in tatters .... secrets come with money and being really rich so that would work ?!?!
What makes her a Mary-Sue is the fact she is a famous 16 year old actress (which is typical for young writers) and not an older actress. Also, you say she has more talent than fellow stars her age. This is debatable. Look at our celebrities right now. Is there a 16 year old that's better than anyone else? No. THAT is why it's unrealistic.

I also agree with the others that you need to give her human characteristics, human qualities.
If she's arrogant and selfish, people will not genuinely like her, reducing the Mary Sue-ness. This makes her a b*tch, not a Mary Sue.
Give her human qualities. Okay, so she's famous and has a superiority complex. Why? Maybe she's never felt close to anybody in her life, and becoming an actress is a way to step outside of herself. Or she's got a terrible relationship with her parents. etc.