How do those who believe in the Great Flood account for Egyptian civilization?


New member
Sep 7, 2008
By all accounts, the Egyptian culture began to flourish several hundred years before "The Flood" was supposed to have happened, and it continued uninterrupted through the time period established for Noah's flood, with no evidence or mention of a flood even happening being recorded in their history.

If this flood was worldwide and killed every last human on the planet except Noah and his family, how was the Egyptian culture able to weather the flood (no pun intended) with no ill effects?

Shouldn't we see a sudden, inexplicable die-off in Egypt, followed by a protracted period where their Empire stood deserted until it was eventually reinhabited by Noah's descendents?

For that matter, shouldn't the new inhabitants (being descendants of righteous Noah and guided by the Hebrew god) not have picked up the same religion that was already in use before the Flood was supposed to have taken place?