how i can get along with my mom?


May 13, 2008
I always get in fights with my mom. And even over little things we argue. Im 15 so i know that can be a hard age for mothers and daughters. I talk with my mom all the time, and i love her to death. Any ideas to help me not fight with her as much?
breathe. try not to take things so personally. she is just wanting you to be safe and happy. i think we all have been there, its a hard time when you are trying to find your identity seperate from your parent, and when we need them the most, they think pushing us away is the best thing, more space... talk to her, be honest, don't yell. if you start to fight, take a breather, leave the situation, say i have to go for a walk i will be back in an hour to continue this when i am calm. you can do it and i am sure she appreciates your honesty.
Well 1st of all, since you are the child, and your mom is the parent, it's really your moms job to worry about this kind of thing, not the reverse.
But since you are mature enough to recognize that you do have some responsibility in what is going on, I will try to share with you some of my own experience in this kind of situation.
The trick here is to learn to pick your battles.
Some battles are really not worthy of your time, and you need to recognize the difference between those that are, and those that aren't.

You said you will argue with your mom over little things.
That suggests to me that you (AND YOUR MOM) are a "right fighter".
What I mean is, that once you get the notion in your head that you are right, you will argue with your opponent, until all the rivers run dry before you will give in and say "enough".

You are only 15, so you are in a very important transitional stage in your life. You are becoming an adult, but are still hanging on to some childhood habits. Don't mistake that comment as a criticism. It's human to find it hard to change old habits, and you are hanging on to the childish trait of living life in the moment, instead of looking at the big picture.

Here's an example:
Have you recently found yourself arguing with your mom about you going out to hang with some friends like it's the last time you will ever get to see them ever again?

The truth is, that tomorrow is another day, and you will probably see them then, but when you are not seeing the big picture, and only living in the moment, it seems pretty hard to understand.

I think you are smart enough to figure out the difference between a fight that is worth it, and one that can wait, so I will leave it up to you fro here.
share your feelings with mama over lunch outside the home. Tell her how you feel, but be calm and polite about it... Just tell her the truth and hope things will turn for the better.
One thing parents love is first of all, if you just do thoughtful things without being asked. Trust me - they will notice.

The other is take an interest in what your parents really like. Parents are so used to doing things for their kids, but it's very rare that a kid just takes an hour to get interested in something only for them. Like their music, or TV shows.....or play a board game that they like.

My mom almost cries if I get her a card.
try not to argue over the little stuff. if the conversation wont effect u later, then just let her win it. it is hard, but then u wont aggravate her as much. when i argue with my mom, it doesnt do me any good. :) take a deep breath and just forget about it. dont sweat the small stuff!
I'm 15 and when my mom yells at me for something stupid I just think about how I will be proud of myself when its all over for not saying anything that I would later regret!
try not to argue over the little stuff. if the conversation wont effect u later, then just let her win it. it is hard, but then u wont aggravate her as much. when i argue with my mom, it doesnt do me any good. :) take a deep breath and just forget about it. dont sweat the small stuff!