How many liberal trolls here are smoking pot while they rant?

Most of them. You have to have a massive number of damaged brain cells to blather the insanity that these Marxist cretins utter.
I'm no liberal, I smoke pot and get high and tell people about the Death Panels. Then I say Obama is a racist with deep seated hatred for whites. Then I drift off to sleep listening to Rush on the radio.
Most likely, they have been doing pot for so long that the permanent damage they claim does not occur has long since set in.
I don't think you should be qualified to ask this question here because it is irrelevant to the category.

"Maybe that is their natural state of mind"

Do you know who YOU are?
The feeling is mutually. I have always wonder how many cons have missed a dose of their meds while they are ranting.

Or, is it a natural state of mind to be a fear mongering nut job?
They should hate Obama for not legalizing marijuana and stabbing them in the back then.
Is that how you explain Glenn Beck and his crying and screaming and spouting racist garbage? He is just smoking pot?
Your description is exactly what you cons seem like. Perhaps you might look from within first before you step out.