How much money would it cost to travel the deep south for 3 months?


Mar 25, 2008
Hi, I'm from Australia and planning my trip for the US next year. I am not interested in big cities and I have REALLY wanted to go to the south of America for years, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and also Utah, Arizona, and Colorado. I was just wondering what a trip like this would cost? I plan on going in the Summer (I am from Queensland and can handle the heat no problem).
I should mention that I do not drive and plan on using public transport and hitching (yes I have researched this and know of your laws and where I can hitch) I'm just wondering about general prices and also peoples attitude to Aussie tourists as I will be going alone and want to meet people etc. Any info would be GREATLY appreciated, I am so excited but my mate who was coming backed out so now its just me and wanted to know if meeting people and making friends would be easy :) Thanks so much.
People who are from these areas I would prefer to answer so I can get a better idea, not just people who have Google stuff... I can do that as well... Thanks guys.
We have just returned from 2 months travelling around the southern states. We had a car and fuel included in our expenditure but I would suggest about $AU7 -8,000.

Everything in the US is very inexpensive for Aussies at the moment. Food is as cheap as chips and there is oodles of it.

Go see your bank about a international cash card. You can "buy" foreign currency and deposit it on the card. You then use the card exactly as you would a debit card and the transactions are in the currency of the country. No exchange rate fees . If withdrawing money at an ATM there will may be a small withdrawal fee, but always use an general purpose ATM so that fee won't be greater than it need to be.

You can also leave funds in the bank and transfer money over to the card when funds get low. There is a fee involved when you first get the card but it is offset by the saving in exchange rates if using a your credit/debit card in Aust $s

You will make friends. The Yanks are a friendly lot and very helpful. Ask locals about sights etc. they are happy to help, as we found frequently.

when you get to New Orleans find Vic's Kangaroo Bar. Tell Vic his cousin sent you. Don't know if you will get a free drink but at least you will hear an Aussie accent.

Good luck and happy trails.
Hitching is not a good idea in america. That is a great way to get raped and killed.