How should i tell my parents im a lesbian?


Jul 7, 2008
im 24 year old woman and ive been confused about my sexuality but i have had a 1 night night stand with a guy and i hated it and i even was thinking of women when i came and later i had a 1 night stand with a lovely beautiful woman and weve been seeing each other ever since going on dates, sleeping at each others houses and we have so much in common including both liking feminine women (we are both very feminine) in fact shes just left my bed to go to work and ive never been happier and im thinking of asking her to be my official girlfriend but thing is i dont know how to tell my parents that im lesbian im 24 and live on my own so they cant throw me out but how can i tell them theyre still a large part of my life
You better think about that. Sounds to me you are a bit confused, maybe disappointed in men for some reason. Too much tv and trend can easily trick you into thinking you are lesbian (and that it's uber cool to be one). I say you first see psychiatric, talk about everything, see what he thinks and if he can detect any possible problem that is tricking you. Only when you are sure go and tell parents. That's not a game, it's serious lifetime choise with all the consequences, for instance, it's getting around your time soon and do you really don't want to have your kids?
What's the rush? If things go on your way, she's gonna be your first girl, right? You're still young. I say you go and enjoy yourself out there. If they are really your parents, I think they might've noticed your sexuality before. Also, I think you could come out when you find the "one." Oh well, things will go its way. Don't worry too much.