How to change my life help Mid 20's single activities that i can do on my


Jun 17, 2008
own & changes i can make in life? i need some change in my life i am kinda bored of the same all routine in saying that i think i need to meet new people along the way as my relationships with my friends are changing as well due to there relationships and when we do something its always the same thing & as well i need some structure in my life as i don't know what i want in life either (career wise & if i want a relationship) in a way i like to be free as well do as i please.
i feel a bit down & always lack energy & a bit lazy.
most of my friends have careers or girlfriends i feel like i am running out of time

examples i thought of so far are going for a walk around park/shops,gym,sporting activities, dancing lessons but i am shy etc but i would like your opinion and examples on changes that you made and suggestions.( i enjoy my own company but being shy doesn't help)

i would like some suggestions on things i can do during the day & activities to do at night activities that i can do on my own as i am a bit of a LONER as well.