How to feel comfortable in a basketball game?


New member
Jun 13, 2008
In my basketball games i do horrible because im scared and dont feel comfortable with the ball. Im a point guard in middle school but not a starter mostly because i get a lot of turnovers because i get rid of the ball quick cause i dont want pressure on me. How can I get used to this pressure and not get so many turnovers? Also Im a great ball handler but i dont use my skills in the game like crossovers and between the legs because im scared that if i screw up my coaches will bring me out. When is a good time to use these skills? Hope u guys can help. Thx
It's just nerves. Everyone gets nervous. The only way to get over it is to keep putting yourself out there. Try and relax before games, and make yourself play smart by thinking before you get rid of the ball.

I wouldn't bring out the fancy moves until you're more comfortable in the game. Once you've had a few good games, you'll feel more confident and should be able to rip out a few crossovers when the time is right! Good luck :)
This is a very common problem with athletes and can be fixed. All you need is some confidence. every time you get in the game have the mindset that you are the best athlete and best basketball player on the court. be aggressive and make smart passes. convince yourself that every time you have the ball in your hands you deserve to have the ball