How to fix a scratch on a car? Picture!!?


Jul 7, 2008
It will be like fixing chipped nail polish- it doesn't really work to put touch up on scratches without doing a lot of work to work it up to the same level as the original paint. Bumpers are more difficulty than body parts: Fill the chips with body filler, sand that level, prime it, sand that smooth, spray color onto it and cear-coat that when it's dry and even. The Billy Mays stuff is not for the damage you have. Not at all.
So I bumped into something, clutzy I know. But the paint has peeled off and i dont know what to do to fix it. I don't have a lot of money to spare to get a paint job or w.e. so i was wondering if there was some cheap fix i could do myself like maybe buy paint and paint it or use that Fix It Scratch Remover that Billy Mays used to advertise?
Just any soloution would be nice.

Here are some pictures