How to introduce a guy to your parents?


May 15, 2008
I'm 16 and I'm seeing a 20 year old. What would be the least awkward way to let my mom know and to introduce the two of them?
It's actually not illegal, haha. Since I'm 16, I can date anyone younger than 21.

And he's not in college yet, but he has already been helping me find a job and has helped me get all my licensing situations sorted out, so I feel that he actually cares.
Agreed. That's pretty illegal. You're sixteen- so what, a sophomore or junior in high school? He's in college or working or what! Not great. I wouldn't stay involved. I know you aren't asking for advice about this, but I'm sure there's a reason he isn't dating girls his own age!

I'd tell your mom if were you if I wanted to get killed! If you're doing something you don't think is right or you aren't okay telling your parents about, you probably shouldn't be doing it!


After looking at your profile, I don't think you care what you do and I can see how you'd get tangled up in this guy at this age. I'm not much older than you, you're wasting your life!
haha you just answered my question :D. But the girl I was talking about was 16 and im 19 lol and I stayed the night at her house for like a week, maybe two weeks after meeting her. So I don't think its going to be bad at all. I mean as long as he isn't like a douche or a loser they should be fine.

And well actually its NOT illegal with parental consent in most cases. And you are a little slow for saying he isn't dating someone his own age for a reason. What if your mom was like 44 and your dad was 48 would there be some freaky reason why they were together? no just because there is an age difference doesn't mean the dudes a creeper. Just means that girls mature faster than guys so they are in reality pretty close to the same in maturity levels. just saying.