How would this Character sound as a Villain?


New member
Oct 16, 2008
Queen Amartia, aka the Golden Queen, was born half-goddess and half-spirit. Her father was an unknown god but her mother was the legendary Lilith. Amartia was the youngest of her many siblings, she was born without a childhood, born only as physically grown up, looking 23 or 24 years of age. Amartia was raised spoiled and pampered by her family because of her incredible beauty, she was flattered and showered with many gifts and learned many abilities and skills such as witchcraft and combat. Her mother Lilith praised her the most, but Lilith then had a fear that she would lose her throne and crown to her, so she conspired a plan to kill her rival daughter. But when Amartia discovered her mother was trying to kill her, she went into a fit of rage and banished her from her kingdom. Even her older brothers, sisters and relatives have turned against her out of jealousy and irritation. Amartia left her home and created a kingdom by herself and created dark mythic creatures to serve her. The only person who truly loves her is her half-brother Thanatis, a handsome dark-haired half-giant and half-spirit.

As to her personality; Amartia is narcissistic, cruel, bold and sadistic, as was her family before her. She grew up believing the world revolved around her beauty and power, she refuses to accept anything else and was incapable of viewing anyone be viewed as her match, but that is not entirely true. She relied on her family's love and they, in bitter jealousy, rejected her. Amartia has a total self-centered vain nature, she believes herself to be the pure essence of beauty. Since she was born without a childhood, she has a bit of childishness within her, often craving for admiration and power. She can be totally self-confident and self-controlled, almost to the point of becoming dangerously unstable. She is marked by her total lack of empathy and conscience, love of power and chaos. Yet despite her vicious and remorseless nature, she can be charming, sweet and helpful when she needed to be, and she is perhaps well admired for her great youthful beauty, intellect, bravery and her limited soft-side for children. Also, she has a puzzled fear of growing old, though she has eternal youth and beauty, the idea of losing one's vitality and youth horrifies her. Her only goal in life is to cause mankind to be corrupt and chaotic because they refuse to her offer want she wants; admiration and adulation, but she is also revolted of humans because they age and 'dry up'.

Amartia does seem to have a great admiration and interest toward children, she likes them very much, especially when they're younger. She enjoys playing and petting them, perform magic tricks on them and insist on calling her 'Mommy'. She likes children because she loves youth, but as soon the children grow older, she becomes disgusted toward them because they no longer look youthful. Even when younger children provoke her, she becomes infuriated and turns them into golden statues to forever keep them young.