Hypothetical : Rookie QB 3 Year Avg 4,500 Yards, 70% Completions, 40 TD's,


New member
Nov 15, 2008
Wins 3 Super Bowls & Dies? In a tragic Auto accident ...

Is he a Hall Of Fame candidate?

He only played 3 years so longevity doesn't come into play.

His total stats compared to other Hall of Fame passers won't match up since they have probably 35,000 yards and whatever else they have but his numbers for those 3 years are outstanding and he probably wins at least 2 MVP awards along with the Rookie of the Year.

Thanks and thumbs up to all who answer ... just give me time to get back and read the answers.
Both of you have good points ... Thanks!
I think he gets in. Performances like that don't come around often (or ever), and with such standout numbers followed by tragedy, he would get in. It will, however, matter HOW he died. If he was a drunk driver, then the negativity would keep him out. If he was struck by a drunk driver, or died in an act of heroism, then he gets in for sure. The public sympathy for the tragedy alone would tip the scales in his favor.
in my opinion his stats would certainly warrant induction, but its totally up to the voters. so one never knows

EDIT @ D i was thinking about the sympathy vote too but since there is a 5 year waiting period a lot of that would die off because the emotions would not be as fresh.