I am having a debate SCIENCE vs RELIGION - need pointers.?


New member
Jul 22, 2008
okay, I am dabating with my boyfriend. I am on the religion side (though I'm not religious, I just need to prove that he is not always right).

He said that the world started by the big bang theory.

I said God started the big bang.

he said what started God? And also that what started God (ie, it just happened) also applied to the Big bang (ie it just happened) so I'm stumped.

you've picked the wrong side i'm afraid
technically you can't preach (i suppose that's what you are doing ?)
because the bible says you can't

and anyway shouldn't you be obeying him ?

Try the - God is outside of space/time - so it doesn't have to make
sense line - or failing that try the I just know it's true and therefore
you're wrong line - seems to work on this forum
Yes, you are stumped.

You've fallen into the "god of the gaps" trap

While scientists don't necessarily know what "started" the big bang (some say it's part of a perpetual expansion/contraction cycle), there's nothing to say that whatever it was was actually a god of any kind.