I can't get itunes to sync my ringtones to my iphone, can anyone help?

iphone ringtones

i have created many ringtones before, and i have recently restored my iphone, now im tryin to sync these ringtones again, it showes them as being on the phone, however when i go to settings on the phone i cant find them!
Anyone have any ideas? thanks,
Ringtones WONT Sync

i have created many ringtones before, and i have recently restored my iphone, now im tryin to sync these ringtones again, it showes them as being on the phone, however when i go to settings on the phone i cant find them!
Anyone have any ideas? thanks,

Im having the exact same problem! My iphone worked perfectly fine until i unplugged my iphone while it was syncing to itunes. Now everything (musics, movies, apps, etc) syncs EXCEPTS my ringtones!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
Drag the ringtones first onto your ITUNES RINGTONES in your library (its on the left bar as well) and then from there, drag the ringtones into your IPHONE RINGTONES folder. It worked for me!
I've tried all the methods to create and add a ring tone.It won't appear in my iPhone ringtones folder. What is it doesn't iTunes and iPhine allow you to create ringtones and use them with out 'buying' them?
I recently experienced the same issue .. the ring tone file appeared in the ring tone folder on iTunes but not in the ring tone folder on iPhone .. What it turned out to be is that I needed to high light the iPhone device under iTunes while the iPhone was plugged in and wait for the various tabs to come up on the main screen. 1 of the tabs is a ring tone tab. Click on that tab and you will see that ring tones is SYNC box UNCHECKED defaulted OFF. Check that box and re-sync the phone. The new ring tone file should appear under the iPhone's ring tone folder
all your ringtones must be on the ringtone library of your itunes and just drag it to your iphone and it will work...mine is manually manage music and videos...
I had the same problem...mine are all 30 sec they show up on my itunes ringtones and on my iphone rintones when connected to the computer but when i try to find them in my phone, they are not there
Solution: Turn on "Manually manage my songs" and then simply click and drag them from iTunes ringtones to iPhone ringtones
This is really annoying ! I have all my personnally made ringtones in my ringtones folder of iTunes, but it just won't sync. They are all below 29secs ! I don't get it. Why is it so complicated !!! Grrrrr
Ringtones do not appear on Iphone after Sync.

I recently experienced the same issue .. the ring tone file appeared in the ring tone folder on iTunes but not in the ring tone folder on iPhone .. What it turned out to be is that I needed to high light the iPhone device under iTunes while the iPhone was plugged in and wait for the various tabs to come up on the main screen. 1 of the tabs is a ring tone tab. Click on that tab and you will see that ring tones is SYNC box UNCHECKED defaulted OFF. Check that box and re-sync the phone. The new ring tone file should appear under the iPhone's ring tone folder

This worked for us too! The part that sucks is that at first glance it appears that you have the box checked for "All Ringtones" but then when you look closer the box next to "Sync Ringtones" is not checked. Come on Steve fix the default to "Sync Ringtones"!
i found the solution for my phone. tried all the above and none wrked. went t my ringtones and dragged it dwn t my iphone menu and it sync'd and there they where
itunes stoped syncing my custom ringtones and its fustrating me very much, im pissed at the fact that it was working b4 and now for no reason it wont sync. what hapen and why i dont want to know! apple better get there stuff right or ill be degrading apple shit for the rest of my life and my future family's life. im so over apple and the way they want me to update every time they come up with a new update, newer is not always better.

straighten up ur act ill be deciding tonight if i cant get this piece of shit itunes v10 64bit to sync to my iphone 4 32gig on my windows 7 ultimate 64bit.

im a literal PC user, compentant not stupid so if i have to repeat everything iv done to get this fucked up shit to work apple can go fuck them selves with there future shit that they bring out or come out with.

when is microsoft going to come out with somthing similar to iphone, apple is complicated and weird. if ur a apple lover u can eat a dick dont talk to me or even try to help me im sick of complicated ppl.

iv tried reinstalling
apple software update
other versions of itunes
restoring my iphone
re activating mobile service

i still cant sync ringtones in to my iphone 4, it displays my ringtones of less then 30 which is ok but it wont simply sync. dont explain to me why just give me a resulution fuck the reason and why its hapening.
figured it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Delete the itunes folder in ur library documents 'Libraries\Music\itunes...

delete that itunes folder it will reset itunes.

after u delete that folder reopen itunes and sync ur ringtones to ur iphone.
by the way that was me who figured it out. now im going to celebrate with a lamb kebbab from Auburn, Sydney, Australia.
My itunes doesnt have a section for ringtones in the library. It has music, movies, Tv shows, podcasts, apps, and radio. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The problem is that your ringtones are 30 second >.< I had same problem and shorten them to 29 sec.. 1 of the 4 jumped in to Iphone. Then I cut them again... another jumped. I didnt try to make other 2 less than 29 because I would have really shitty one lol..

What pissing me off WHY you morons at Apple aloud ONLY 30...well NOT even!!! How are we suppose to enjoy our phones if we cant even get damn good ring tone on it FFS!

I've tried all the methods to create and add a ring tone.It won't appear in my iPhone ringtones folder. What is it doesn't iTunes and iPhine allow you to create ringtones and use them with out 'buying' them?

I had the same prob. But i got it to work by going to the ring tone-tab when you have your iphone connected to itunes. There you uncheck everything so that u dont have any tones at all to sync. Then u click the sync-button and let it do its thing. After that u check all the tones that u want to put into your iphone and let it sync again. That worked for me. Good luck!!