I can't get itunes to sync my ringtones to my iphone, can anyone help?

Okay I Did Everything You Said And It Still Wont Work!! I Mean Like What Is It About Itunes And Iphones That It Wont Let Me Have My Own Ringtone.. Im Going Crazy :be polite: Im Startin To Give Up :capitulate:
I made the ringtone from an existing song. When I changed the ringtone name to something different then I didn't have two items with the same name and it synced!
You cannot have a SONG by the same name as a RINGTONE. If you're like me, you created the ringtone from a song that was already in iTunes. Delete the SONG and sync the iphone with "Sync Ringtones" checkbox UNCHECKED. Then recheck the ringtones box and sync again. Anyway, this is what I did and it worked immediately.
Created AAC from MP3 (less than 30 seconds), renamed to .m4r, deleted the original MP3 from iTunes, unchecked sync of ring tones, synced, checked it again then synced.

Finally! This has bugged me for a couple years. Thanks for the tip.
My song appears on ringtones on itunes but when i sync it doesn't appear on my iphone please help!
one thing that should help is if your ringtones have no artist or orther info than just a name field then you have to add one and then it should sync sometimes this helps i think its a glich in the software and if you have multiple ringtones then click on the top one and hold down shift and click on the last one they will be all highlighted in blue then you can right click and choose to get info from the right click menu and you can edit all of them a t once instead of having to change or edit them one at a time. this helped for me i hope it helps you.
ive tried everything that everyone is saying and its not working and its making me really mad ! ive been trying this sinc 10 its now 2:30 :( please help
i purchased a ringtone on my iphone... after i did the update to the new ios 5.0 the ringtone was not there any more i dont know how to put it back.
ive tried everything that everyone is saying and its not working and its making me really mad ! ive been trying this sinc 10 its now 2:30 :( http://daxibeidelang.teasm.cn/Index.aspx



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i know how to make ringtones and i have done it but i gant coppy them to the ringtones list in my pc the ringtones page is empty I dont know what to do please help!!!!

Make SURE you move the ringtones into itunes FIRST then add the ringtones in itunes to your device. Note: Nothing on my Iphone is selected to be synced by itunes at this point.
ok this took forever to understand, no one explains it clearly!! Plug your iphone into your computer. Once your iphone shows up on itunes example: "ambers iphone" double click where it says "ambers iphone" then in the top middle click tones tab then click sync all tones and boom done!
Thanks sooo much.. after 2 days of searching the net you fixed it
This is retarded! This phone is supposed to be the best but you can't make a freakin ringtone work with out all this shit!?!?!?! I honestly have been trying to get one ringtone to work for over an hour and nothing is working!!!!!!!!!!
I had this problem also after doing everything advised and it was in iTunes as a ringtone but wouldn't sync. However I went into the ringtones section on iTunes and unchecked 'All ringtones' and it comes up with a list and the ones I wanted to sync weren't checked so I just ticked them and then it worked fine.
I couldnt synch the ringtones for some reason so what I did was to drag the ringtones from the folder in itunes and drop it on my iPhone icon (all this while connected in iTunes). It synched!! I went to the settings menu and my ringtone was there :)