I don't want to be her friend...? + Opinions on laughing/smiling a lot.?


May 19, 2008
I have this "friend". She's extremely clingy, rude and always points out people's flaws.. Although she's so rude to me when I'm with a group of people, she's nice when it's just the two of us and automatically comes to me when she sees me.

So during math, she sits right behind me. We have partner tables, and she had the guy I like as a partner. I was being goofy and all so of course I was smiling and laughing. (the guy i like and i were both cracking jokes and laughing) While we were laughing together, he was like, "You're really funny." Then suddenly, she's like, "____, you laugh too much. Like, even when something isn't that funny..." I'm thinking it's because she has a different sense of humor than me, but that was just really rude. She said that in such a rude voice, you know what I'm saying? Like it's the worst thing ever... Then I explained to her why I liked to laugh which was because I liked being happy and it's depressing to stop laughing so she just glared at me... She's one of those people who always gossips, like yes, I understand I talk about people too, but not nearly as much as her.... She acts like it's a burden to even exist and be yourself in this world, or even participating on something that includes school is stupid and that "I try too hard." I don't like her personality at all, and I don't want to be her "friend"..... What do I do? I'm obviously not going to just out right say that "I don't like you, we're not friends."

But I don't know.... maybe it IS true. This other girl said the same thing, but not in a rude way. Just an opinion. I don't laugh/smile out of nowhere, but only when I think something is funny and I can easily think that something is funny because it connects to past jokes... Is there something wrong with me? What do I do about her?