I download a 2 hour long DivX movie that only burns 21 minutes how to fix?


New member
Mar 27, 2011
With the DivX software I can burn the whole movie but it will not play on all DVD players so I tried to convert it but anything I tried only gave me 21 minutes of movie.
The movie that I am trying to burn on a 4.7GB blank DVD+RW is Rush which is 978MB long with the burn software that is included when you download DivX works fine (can burn whole 978mb) but will only play on DivX DVD players. I tried to burn with Nero but only burns 21 minutes and the same goes for when I try to convert to movie it only converts 21 minutes. Trying to burn so the movie can be watched on any DVD player.
Well this is a vague question but I'll try to help you.
Assuming that your burning the converted DivX movie onto blank DVD disks (a DivX movie is around 700mb which is made to fit onto a CD. A converted DivX to DVD format which is Mpeg-2 is going to be much larger which is why you need to burn it onto a blank DVD).
The only other thing I can think of is you're using bad software. Or maybe a trial program that will only convert 20 mins of video and requires you to pay for the program to be able to convert and entire movie.