I got head butted in football the other day but it didn’t bleed and I


May 14, 2008
didn’t get black eyes which makes me thi? I went to hospital but the waiting room was way too busy and after waiting almost 3 hours I still hadn’t seen anyone so I left.

Now 6 days have past the swelling has pretty much gone down and there is virtually no pain, however from the front I can notice two lumps at the top of my nose. From the side my nose looks perfectly straight. But as soon as I turn to an angle you can clearly see these two lumps which are hard and not soft.

I went to the hospital and they have told me to give it another 5 days, but I feel that they just told me that as they aren’t really too bothered because it doesn’t look bad or bent. However from a cosmetic point of view this is going to bother me until it is sorted.

Is there any advice any one can give me on this? Any advice would be welcomed.