i have a 66cc motor on my bike (under 49cc = legal)?


New member
Nov 17, 2008
66cc and a 49cc look identical. If i stay under the speed limit and hypothetically get pulled over, is there any way a cop can tell the difference? No you dont need a license or any registration to ride these things where i live. Only restriction is under 30mph and 49cc.

I've thought about putting some bs sticker that looks legit saying that the motor is 49cc
I ride around on my old Vespa Allstate (125cc) with no plates claiming the 50cc rule. Nobody really knows the difference.
You should be safe. Cops aren't geniuses - in fact most of the time it's quite the opposite, and a lot of times they don't even know which laws they can or can't enforce - which brings up a valid point: if you do get pulled over and given a ticket by a cop who doesn't know the 49cc law, you might have to take it to court and provide documentation that you bike is a 49cc, which would be impossible since it's not. So there's the outside chance you might actually get a ticket BECAUSE a cop doesn't know that you are allowed to ride 49cc without a license.
But that's just an outside chance - you should be alright. Just be really careful.