I have a bone to pick with christians/non-belevers?


New member
Feb 19, 2011
Christians, why is do you think that being gay is so horrible? Being gay is NOT a choice. It is NOT, NOT NOT NOT!!! Don't tell me that it is because it is NOT!! Since it is not a choice, why is it so horrid of the people who are gay? In fact, since gay people are ment for eachother then that meens that god created them that way. Ha!

Athiest, why do you have to be so stubborn about you beliefs? Like you never have an open mind. You know, their is proof that the devil exsist. When some scientist dug down really deep into the earth they heard what sounded like human screems. Don't tell me that they did not because they did hear them. They DID!!! Explain why they heard them.
I've seen evidence of demons, firsthand, But I never heard of that scream thing. I'd like to look into that and see what it's about. I wouldn't have thought there was a real hell physically inside the earth, but who knows? Oh yeah, keep puffing them peters, brother, more chicks for me.
Most of us are ex christians and people treat us like we don't know what they are arguing. Problem is, there is no proof of those human screams when they can prove it we'll believe. But we need more proof than a bible written 2000 years ago. When they thought the world was flat.
First of all, let me complement you on your exceptional spelling & grammar skills.

Second, why you mad?
First of all, I'm sure no one cares about your rant and you're probably gonna get lots of negative comments. But I will answer with my honest opinion.

I agree with you on the whole gay thing. My best friend is gay. And he's an amazing person. Christians judge him so harshly and that's why he's also an athiest.

Athiests are the way they are because stupid "christians" do nothing but judge them and preach at them. Christians are supposed to love everyone because God loves everyone. They aren't supposed to judge. But they do, harsher than any one group of people I've ever seen. I believe in God, but I don't shove it down people's throats. Because they don't care.

People are people and all should be treated equally. But sadly, it will never be that way.
"Athiest, why do you have to be so stubborn about you beliefs? Like you never have an open mind. You know, their is proof that the devil exsist. When some scientist dug down really deep into the earth they heard what sounded like human screems. Don't tell me that they did not because they did hear them. They DID!!! Explain why they heard them."

[citation needed]

In other words, taking your word that you had an uncle that once heard about a man whose roommate one time read an article about a guy who saw a scientist in a bar who he thought said he heard screams isn't going to cut it.
I'm a Christian and I could never choose to want to bang another guy. So you may be right on that one.
I would like to see an article about this discovery.
As a christian, i'm completely fine with gay people. for the serious christians that truely understand God, they'll understand that you should love your enemies too (I'm not saying gay people are my enemies, its just saying to love everyone). so for real christians, its a matter of personal choice. I've seen many christians support gay people. and btw, if you're talking about those crazy people from westboro baptist church, they're just insane.
Being gay IS a choice. All humans, by genetics and nature are programmed to be attracted to the opposite sex.

Lets look at earthworms. Do you think 2 male worms ever see each other and accidently have sex thinking they're the opposite sex? NO, they naturally know whos a female and go for them.

PS: most people are gay just for attention or they cant get opposite sex partners.
You generalize too much for both so you are only half correct.

Christians do not all have a problem with homosexuality. I know several personally that are fine with it and know its not a choice.

Atheists can be open minded since some that say they are atheists might be atheistic-agnostics or they might even be non-religious spirituals that just dont believe in God but believe in ghosts among other things.
You only said it is NOT a choice, six times. It takes seven times to make it true.
Gay people are meant for each other? And God made them that way? Where do you get these ideas?
Most of my friends had gays try to seduce them when they were in their young to middle teens, and I am quite certain that some who succumbed found the gay life meant more accessible sex. They chose it consequently.
By the way, you should learn how to spell exist, or use the spell-checker. Oh, screems should be screams, of course. So you think a scientist dug down into the earth and heard a scream and that means the devil lives in the centre of the earth? What nonsense!
"When some scientist dug down really deep into the earth they heard what sounded like human screems."

I would love for this evidence, I would LOVE! Please give me the source and a link.
no god did not create people that way

god says he did not create them that way

god says it is a abomination something god detests

Lev 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

god destroys nations who commit such sins

Lev 18:24 Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you:
Lev 18:25 And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.
What about agnostics? We're generally open minded. You are just stereotyping people now based on the behaviour you have seen here on Y!A.
So, whether or not to have sex isn't a choice? I always thought it was.
It's the belief that the sexual act is a choice that imprisons many people a year for rape, statutory rape, child molestation, and other sexual offenses. Nice to know they didn't have a "choice".
It's not the attraction that is the sin; it is the ACT. My having sex with my married neighbor is still a choice...if we do so. Not doing so is also a choice.
First of all you are you are soooo wrong if you think God created some people to be gay since God clearly says being gay is wrong. If God wanted men to be with men or women to be with women he wouldve made it that way from the beginning...but he didnt he made ADAM and EVE. I dont dislike the people that are gay i am just against the lifestyle they choose to live because i know God loves them so much. But they defy him by choosing to live this sinful lifestyle instead of choosing Him. Satan will try to cloud your mind by trying to tell you lies like there are things about your life you can never change, like bein gay. If someone wants to become a christian but they live a homosexual lifestyle if they pray to God he will help them through it, but things will only change when you decide you want to...but God will always love you...even till the end.