I have unlimited text msg from T-Mobile can I send pics and get pics?

Me too!..=)

To send pics you go to menu, photos (or file-images) then select the photo you want to send. Hit send via, message, send to, then choose a number. Your phone may be different from mine so if that doesn't work try going to messages, create new message, add/insert image & choose.

To get them on facebook:
Go to your facebook's homepage. On the waaay left there's a list, and underneath "Application Requests" is a blue button "more." Click that, and right underneath it should say "photos." Click that, and more options will appear. 3 below "photos" it will say "Mobile Uploads." Click on that. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page, and there will be a blue button "Photos Help." Click on that & there's a list of options. 4 down from the top it will say "Mobile photos" in blue, click on that. Click the first question..("How do I upload photos/notes/videos from my phone?") Click on that, and in the 3rd paragraph is another blue button. It says "Facebook Mobile." Click on that. On the LEFT, click "Upload via Email." You should know what to do from there..=)

Good luck ;D